Friday, November 21, 2008

Licorice The Bear

Yesterday, Izzy got to take home a puppet named Licorice from School. And he gets to write about what he had done with Licorice. And all the other kids in Izzy's class, got to play with Licorice And they even wrote about what they had done with Licorice in the book. And I really liked What Izzy wrote! It said: We brought Licorice home from school and we watched Green Eggs and Ham and we played computer games and ate a snack and I took him for a walk before I brought him back to school. But Izzy didn't write the words but he drew the picture. And me and Licorice made video's on my computer. And the video's were pretty funny! And Izzy gets to bring Licorice home more than once! And here is a picture of me and Licorice. And me and Licorice had fun together!

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