Monday, November 24, 2008

Question Post

Which Post do you like best? Choose a, b, c, d, or e.

a) Licorice The Bear
b) Smallest Pencil in the World
c) Ogden Nature Center
d) Madagascar 2 Escape From Africa
e) All of the Posts above

And leave a comment about which Blog Post you like on Spongebobjake.

1 comment:

bubby said...

okay, this is kind of easy.

a) Licorice the bear
and second--
b) Smallest Pencil in the World

Licorice the bear was the post I liked best because you were talking about your brother Izzy, which was really neat to read, because Izzy doesn't have a blog of his own and I don't get to learn about stuff he does in school. Also, because it had a photo of you holding Licorice!

b) smallest pencil in the world because it also has a photo of YOU!!!!! and the pencil!

love from Bubby!