Saturday, November 1, 2008


Yesterday, I went Tricker-Treating with my friends. And some of my friends got scared of my costume. And then we gathered up to get are picture taken. Then we went Tricker-Treating through are whole neighborhood. Then we went to another neighborhood and it was dark that time. Then we keep going to different neighborhoods. And my bag had lots of candy in it! Then my friends and me went to our friend's house and she went Tricker-Treating with us and she lives in my neighborhood. And we watched a movie at her house and we ate some candy but not too much. And we all had fun Tricker-Treating with my friends and watching a movie with my friends.

1 comment:

bubby said...

Boy, spongebobJake, I am SO GLAD to hear that you had so much fun with your friends tricker-treating!!!! AND that was smart of you to not eat too much candy!!!!!

i love you spongebobJake!!!!
