Monday, March 23, 2009

Too Much Noise?

Is there too much noise and you want to watch a video? There are 2 games that make noise. On Spongebob Carnival games just go to the page where you pick a mini games and push Menu and then push off and the music is goes off. And on Air hockey, I'm not sure if that can disturb you while you watch a video. And if it does, comment on this post and I will take the games off.


bubby said...

Dear SpongebobJake:

I am really glad that you brought up this issue of the noise because I have to turn down the volume every day when I check your blog because there is TOO MUCH NOISE!

I cannot figure out what you said about the SpongeBob Carnival games and the volume there.

sorry, I'm just a bubby =)

neil said...

this is the NOISIEST blog ever but I love it!!!!!