Monday, April 6, 2009

Last Day In Florida

Our Last Day in Florida was hard! First, me, Izzy, dad,mom, Jo-An, Russ,Ella, Elani, and baby Cody, went to a Jewish place for breakfast and I had potato pancakes. And then we said good bye to Russ, Ella, Elani, and baby Cody, And me, Jo-An, Dad, mom, and Izzy went to Dunkin' Donuts and then Mom, and Dad, went to see grandpa and Jo-An, me, And Izzy, went to the cafeteria and hen Jo-an took us to the airport and our first flight went from Miami, to Texas, and our second flight was from, Texas, to Utah, And then my Mom's friend Mindie dropped us off at our house and we got back in the middle of 1:00. And we were tired, but we had a fun day!

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