Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sixth Day In Florida

Pur Sixth Day of Florida was great! First, we finished watching the Scooby Doo Movie. And then we watched a Scooby Doo cartoon. Then we went to Pollo Tropical for Lunch. And then we went to Publix to get some things and we even rented the movie Igor. And then we took a rest. And Me, Izzy, And Dad, played at the park after our rest. And then Me, Mom, Dad, Izzy, Jo-An, Russ, Ella, and Elani, went to dinner and I had a huge CheeseBurger with fries. And I didn't even eat half of it because it was huge! Then we finished the Movie Igor. And we had a Fun Day!

1 comment:

bubby said...

WOW! SpongebobJake!!!!!! I have a LOT of comments to leave! I hope it's okay to just comment one time instead of to all your postings on your Florida trip!

Jake, I know that this was kind of a surprise visit and Grandpa Jay was in the hospital. It is good to hear that you all were there for Grandpa Jay. I am SO HAPPY that you all are having a good time and that you are enjoying your new home even before you move in! Also that you have met JoAnn's friend and spent time with your Great Uncle Howard =) and that you even met one of your neighbors!

Anyway, I cannot wait to see you AND maybe it will be SOON!

much love and much more,
